How to wear your Ghoutra: With or without an Iqal?

If the oriental style appeals to you, then you’ll want to opt for the Ghoutra. However, as a novice, you may not yet have mastered the techniques of wearing the Ghoutra or the Iqal. Follow the instructions below, and we’ll show you how to wear this accessory like a pro.

The importance of the Ghoutra and the Iqal

In the West, men attach a lot of importance to how they tie their ties. In Gulf countries this same focus is applied to how one wears their Ghoutra.

This headgear can be worn either on its own by simply tying the ends behind the head or accompanied with an Iqal. The Iqal is composed of a black lined rope attached to a goat wool core. It’s very popular and useful for keeping the Ghoutra on your head.

Different ways to wear a Ghoutra with an Iqal

There are many styles for wearing a Ghoutra, depending on the style you prefer. For example, you can opt for a more modest style by tucking one end of the Ghoutra onto the opposite shoulder.

When Arab men wish to protect themselves from the cold while traveling in the desert, they opt for the eagle style of Arabia by folding and crossing each end onto the opposite shoulder, or they use the winter-desert style that consists of passing one of the two ends of the Ghoutra onto the opposite shoulder while covering the neck.

There are other ways to wear your Ghoutra according to your tastes. These methods include, the cobra, the VIP, the butterfly, the Abu Rached, and the Bint Al Bakkar methods.
