How to properly maintain your Qamis

When buying your new qamis, it is always clean and well ironed. That said, after a few uses, the state of it tends to deteriorate. To return your qamis to its original state and preserve it as such, it is essential to take care of it. Thus it is necessary to know the different washing techniques.


Suggested techniques

So a stain has just settled on your qamis and you think that it must now be discarded? Not at all! Here are 4 techniques to put into practice and save it.

First, you need to react quickly. Secondly, do not put your qamis in the machine without first removing the stain. Third, make sure never to iron your qamis while the stain is still present. Fourth, to erase this nasty stain, it is recommended to use warm or hot water, especially in case of grease stains.


How to wash?

There are several tricks to washing your qamis well. First, you can use baking soda to remove hard-to-remove grease stains such as oil, butter, sauces, etc. It’s very useful and effective. Simply apply this in the form of powder or paste directly on your qamis with water. Then put it into the washing machine. For stains of jam, coffee, chocolate ... it is necessary to wet the stain with cold water, then to spread baking soda to finally let dry before machine washing.

If your qamis picks up a stain from grass or rust that does not come out easily, then it is advisable to apply lemon. Natural and very effective, the lemon is the ideal stain remover for your qamis. To do this, simply spinkle the stain with salt and then moisten the stain with lemon juice. Then, gently rub the lemon juice into the stain for better penetration. Finally, just rinse and let dry.

Categories: Kameez