What is a bisht and on what occasions is it worn

So, you've heard of the bisht, but you do not know what exactly it is? In this article, we reveal some important information about the topic.


What is a bisht?

The bisht is a sort of traditional robe with golden embroidery worn by Arab men above their qamis on special occasions. Often compared to burnous, the Emirati bisht comes in several different colors, such as white, black, brown, beige, gray, and so on.

The best quality bisht are those made with camel hair. That said, most of those on the market are made from cotton or polyester. In general, the bisht is made with a very soft fabric and can be worn at all seasons.


When can you wear the bisht?

As a rule, the bisht is a luxurious garment that is mainly worn by imams and mouadhins (people who call for prayer) during the Friday sermon, men on their wedding day, as well as Arab governors, religious scholars and some politicians. This is why in Emirati marriages the groom is often spotted from afar, since he wears the bisht while the other men content themselves with wearing their dishdasha and keffieh.

Similarly, some people prefer to wear their bisht during events such as ceremonies, festivals, or even during holidays- especially the Eid celebrations. Others choose to wear it to go to the mosque on Friday, although this is for more uncommon.

If you want to buy a customized bisht of quality, we invite you to visit us on our site custom-qamis.com and to let us know about your needs and measurements so that it is perfectly adapted to you tastes and figure.
