Kuwait Collar vs. Saudi Collar: Which choice of kamees collar is right for you?

For centuries, the kamees has been a staple in Muslim fashion traditions. All men of Muslim faith have at least one. Recently, a new trend in emerged. With the wonders of our information-age, globalized economy, ordering a quality, tailor-made kamees is now available to more people than ever before. Customizing your kamees distinguishes it by integrating your personality and tastes into the outfit. And modifying the collar is an important part of customizing your kamees. So, let’s explore two distinct collar designs: The Kuwait Collar and the Saudi Collar.

The distinguishing features of the Kuwait Collar

Not large, the Kuwaiti collar is a rather small collar. Typically, it is worn without any accessories to get a style that’s more casual, unimposing, and discreet. Also, this type of collar is ideal for people with a small face. Available in several designs, the Kuwaiti Collar can bring more comfort and discretion, or add more unique style to your kamees, according to your preferences.


You can opt for a straight Kuwaiti Collar with a visible button, a straight Kuwaiti Collar with a hidden button, a rounded Kuwaiti Collar with a visible button, or a rounded Kuwaiti Collar with a hidden button.


The distinguishing features of the Saudi Collar

Wide and high, the Saudi Collar is ideal for men with a long face. This type of collar is also available in several designs to choose from, according to the style that you wish to adopt.


You have the choice between the right saudi collar with two buttons, the right saudi collar with two hidden snaps, the right saudi collar with two apparent pressures, the rounded saudi collar with two buttons, the rounded saudi collar with two hidden snaps and the collar rounded saudi with two apparent pressures.

Categories: Kameez