Tips to remove clothing stains

It’s Friday, it’s hot and you decided to wear your prettiest white thawb ! Once you get home, a delicious couscous or mafé awaits you. Due to the hunger and the immense joy, your spoon loses control and a dirty grease stain spreads on your thawb. This isn’t a movie script, but rather a very common mishap that occurs to many of us. With the following tips on how to easily remove stains, you’ll no longer have to throw away your stained thawbs.


How to remove grease stains in no time using chalk

Grease stains are, together with grass stains, undoubtedly the most difficult ones to remove. Yet, there is a simple and effective way to regain your stained clothes that you thought you lost forever. Here’s what you need :
  1. A white chalk,
  2. Paper sheets like paper towels,
  3. A grater,
  4. An iron.


In order to get rid of a grease stain on synthetic fabric clothes or on cotton garments, you simply grate some white chalk on the stain. The aim is to let the chalk completely penetrate the fabric so that it wipes off, or even absorbs, the grease stain.
 Then place some absorbing paper sheets on the garment and go over it with a hot iron. Repeat this action until the chalk has completely been absorbed.


You may finish the task by washing off the stain with black soap before putting your garment in the machine. This step is, of course, optional.


Always have a piece of chalk near your washing machine. You never know…

Removing a Grass Stain on a Garment

There are several ways to effectively remove a grass stain on clothing. Here are some ingredients that may easily be found at home.


Natural, effective and safe, lemon is a great stain remover. After having enjoyed the nice weather sitting on the grass, you discover a green stain on your thawb or on any other garment. Don’t panic, you only need to act quickly ! Rub the green stained part of your garment with a cloth soaked in lemon juice in order to fully penetrate the liquid in the garment. Let it soak for a few moments and then wash it in the machine.



Toothpaste doesn’t only whiten your teeth and dries your hideous pimples, it is also an excellent ingredient to get rid of grass stains on clothing. This may be done in a very simple manner : abundantly spread toothpaste on the stain and firmly scrub with a used brush. Let it sit for a while and then wash it in the machine.
So never again throw away your clothes because they’re stained ! And if you ever use one of our tips, please give us your feedback and always feel free to share with us your own tips: tested and approved !